About Pastor Joan Ekema

hi, I'm Pastor Joan Ekema

Pastor Joan was born in Bova – Buea in the South West region of Cameroon on 14 April 1971. She trained as a state registered nurse specialised in reproductive health and worked in several health Institutions in Cameroon( notably in Hope Clinic of late professor Anomah Ngu Victor.) It is there that in September 2008 the Lord called her to serve in His vineyard.

She attended the REDEEMED Pastor school Yaounde in 2012. In 2014, she enrolled in FIRE BIBLE INSTITUTE Yaounde where she graduated in 2016. She was ordained in SIFYM on 12 November 2017 by Dr Kerry Alison( Church of the Redeemer, Los Angeles, USA) assisted by Bishop Joseph Agbor Eta( president of SPC).

Pastor JOAN is a lover of God and His people. She has an apostolic mandate which makes her ministry to be diversified and unique: she’s a pastor, an intercessor, a counsellor and coach, a teacher of the gospel and above all she’s a healing and deliverance minister.The Holy Spirit has been mightily using her in bringing healing and deliverance to many souls that the devil keeps under bondage.

She devotes time to studying the Bible and has been instrumental in helping others discover and answer their ministerial vocations.

The Holy Spirit dubbed her DAUGHTER OF FIRE and she, in response to this love and trust calls Him HER PERSONAL PERSON

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